
Dear all Council leaders,



First of all, I would like to wish you a "Very Happy Chinese New Year" on behalf of our District Governor, Marian Hsiao.  In order to provide all of the Toastmasters members with an opportunity to offer New Year greetings, get together, have fun and learn, we are going to hold a District Chinese New Year Gathering.  All the fellow members island-wide are welcome to join this both educational and entertaining event.

首先,謹代表總會長 蕭敏環女士向全國會員拜早年,祝大家春節快樂。為了提供一個會員互相賀年、團聚、敘舊、歡樂也是充電的機會,特地舉辦一場新春團拜活動,歡迎全國會員參加這場兼具知性與娛樂性的聚會。


Features of the program:


(1) The "sensational and amazing" Master of Humor, Andreas Ouyang who was also the Champion of 1995 National Tall Tell Contest will share with us his secrets of successful public speaking and table topics speaking skills.

(2) The Sisters of Wang, Wang, Yu-Mei and Wang Yu-Hua will present their spectacular talents by giving a Chinese Cross Talk. Yu-Hua was the Champions for both National Chinese Humorous Speech Contest and National Chinese Evaluation Contest in 2004.  And Yu-Mei was the Champion for both 2004 National Taiwanese Table Topics Contest and 2002 National Chinese Speech Contest.


(1) 轟動武林、驚動全國的幽默大師,1995 年全國英語吹年比賽冠軍 Andreas Ouyang將到現場傳授"演講/即席演講技巧武功秘笈精華"

(2) 絕代雙驕才女王玉華及王玉梅姊妹將到現場表演精彩的相聲。玉華是2008年全國國語幽默演講及2004年全國國語講評雙料冠軍。而玉梅是2004年全國閩南語即席演講及2002年全國國語指定演講雙料冠軍

Their outstanding performance which won't be possibly got by even more than 10 Consumer Vouchers will be the District's New Year Gift for all the fellow members.  Since the seats are limited, please register A.S.A.P.


Important Notices:



1. The Registration Form will be attached right after Chinese New Year.

2. Either Club President or EVP (or both, at least one) from Division A, C, G, and H should attend this event for receiving important announcement/ information on Competent Leader Award.

3. For all Club Presidents, please kindly forward this message to all of your club members.


1 報名單過年後再附上。

2       ACGH會長及副會長至少一人參加;有關Competent Leader Award的重要宣佈。

3. 請各分會會長將團拜消息轉達給分會會員


Thank you again for your precious time and hard work devoted for District 67, and look forward to seeing you soon.



Happy New Year of OX!



Vicky Huang

District Secretary 2008-2009

Vicky Huang 麗蓉 

District Secretary 總會秘書長 2008~2009

Cell: 0939-186-734  




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