~  Welcome ~

               Toastmasters Area H2 Website


                     Let's learn, enjoy and grow together! Add Colors to Your Life!



國際演講會(Toastmasters International) 是一個專為訓練演講技巧與領導能力的非營利性世界組織,至今全球有壹萬壹仟多個分會散佈於世界九十個國家; 中華民國國際演講協會為其他地區總會之一,本會遵循世界總會的宗旨與訓練模式,目的在訓練演講技巧,琢磨溝通藝術,發揚語文趣味,以及培養領導人才,目前臺灣共有壹百多個分會,使用語言包括英語,日語,國語,台語,客語..等


The Mission of a Toastmasters club is .. To provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.


                         Master the Arts of Communication & Leadership Skills




建立此網頁之目的 ~ 提供 Toastmasters Area H2 的會友們和對活動有興趣朋友們一個互動的訊息平台,發布活動相關訊息,分享活動照片,交換彼此在英語學習,尤其是演講,溝通,領導方面的成長心得。竭誠歡迎會友及各界人士參與指教喔!



                    Please leave your message if you have any questions!





                              Website Master: Wini Kao, ACS, AL





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