
Dear Leaders:


As our District Governor Marian Hsiao mentioned, adding new members (including re-instated and dual members) is very crucial to our District! After discussion with Marian and based on the financial status of our District, I list the following awards to encourage each club to recruit more new members:

正如我們的總會長 蕭敏環 女士所言,增加新會員(包括會籍恢復或雙重會籍會員)是我們台灣總會的當務之急!在與蕭總會長討論並衡量總會財務狀況後,茲列出下列增加新會員的獎勵辦法供大家參考:


1. Adding 6-9 new members from Apr. 1 to June 30: 1,000 NT$

41~630 日止,分會召募6-9: 獎金1,000


2. Adding 10 or more members from Apr.1 to June 30: 2,000 NT$

41~630 日止,分會召募10人以上獎金2,000

3. Chartering a new club from today (4/16) to June 30: 4,000 NT$

即日起(416)~630 日止創立一個新分會獎金4,000


The clubs applying for this award must submit the receipt (or evidence) of new member fee payment to LGM Mike Yang by the end of June. We will present the awards in the new officer training in June or July!



In addition, there will be a “Beat the Clock Award” from the Toastmasters International. Adding five new, dual or reinstated members to your roster between May 1 to June 30, the club will get this special award! A Ribbon will display on your club’s banner. The club will also earn a choice of one module from The Better Speaker Series, The Successful Club Series or The Leadership Excellence Series. Transfer and charter members do not count for credit. There is no need to apply for this award. Your club will be automatically recorded when the application is received in May and June.  Let’s go for it!

此外,提醒各分會爭取每年五月一日至六月三十一日期間五位以上新會員的加入,世界總會將頒發給各分會「新會員衝刺獎」!這五位新會員可包含雙重或會籍恢復會員。得到此一獎項,不但可以贏得榮譽綬帶,並可獲得壹本來自最佳演講系列、成功會務系列、或領導統御精進系列手冊。至於轉籍會員或創會新會員則不列入計算。此一獎項您不必自行申請,世界總會只要在五月與六月間收到五位以上新會員申請表即自動生效。 大家加油!

Add Colors to Your Life!




Mike Yang, LGM, 08-09


推廣副總會長 楊冀光敬啟

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