Competent Communicator (CC) 中級合格演講員
C1 The Ice Breaker 初試啼聲
C2 Organize Your Speech 條理分明
C3 Get to the Point 提綱挈領
C4 How to Say It 遺辭用字
C5 Your Body Speaks 肢體語言
C6 Vocal Variety 抑揚頓挫
C7 Research You Topic 專題演說
C8 Get Comfortable with Visual Aids 善用視覺輔助工具
C9 Persuade with Power 勸說誘導
C10 Inspire Your Audience 激勵啟發
After completing all 10 projects in Communication and Leadership Program manual, you are eligible for the CC (Competent Communicator) award!