Competent Leader (CL) 中級合格領導員
Project 1 Listening and Leadership 聆聽與領導
Project 2 Critical Thinking 評論性思考
Project 3 Giving Feedback 提供意見
Project 4 Time Management 時間管理
Project 5 Planning and Implementation 規劃和修正
Project 6 Organizing and Delegating 組織和授權
Project 7 Developing Your Facilitation Skills 發展協同技巧
Project 8 Motivating People 激勵他人
Project 9 Mentoring 輔導
Project 10 Team Building 團隊營造
After completing all 10 projects in Competent Leadership manual, you are eligible for the CL (Competent Leader) award! Congratulations on your distinguished achievement!